Township of Douro-Dummer
Agenda for a Regular Meeting of Council

Township Douro-Dummer YouTube Channel

Please note, that Council may, by general consensus,

change the order of the agenda, without prior notification,

in order to expedite the efficiency of conducting business


Electronic Meetings
On August 4, 2020 Council amended the Township Procedure By-Law to permit meetings to be held electronically and to allow members participating electronically to be counted towards quorum.

Until further notice, regular meetings of Council are being held electronically. Meetings will be recorded and live-streamed on the Township YouTube channel. 

Please contact the Acting Clerk if you require an alternative method to virtually attend the 
meeting. or 705-652-8392 x210 


- Committee of the Whole Meeting - February 8, 2022 at 10:00am

- Council Meeting - February 15, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.

No Item Selected