Minutes of the Township of Douro-Dummer Committee of Adjustment Meeting

Township Douro-Dummer YouTube Channel
  • Member - Jim Patterson
  • Member - Rod Manley
  • Chair - Harold Nelson
  • Member - Mark Porter
  • Member - Robert Lamarre
Staff Present
  • Secretary-Treasurer/Acting Clerk - Martina Chait-Hartwig
  • Planner - Christina Coulter

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. 

The Chair reminded members of their obligation to declare any pecuniary interest they might have. None were declared.

  • Resolution Number04-2023
    Moved ByRod Manley
    Seconded ByMark Porter

    That the Minutes from the Committee of Adjustment Meeting, held on January 13, 2023, be received and approved, as circulated.

  • Resolution Number05-2023
    Moved ByRobert Lamarre
    Seconded ByJim Patterson

    Location - Part Lot 25, Con. 3

    1797 County Road 6

     Roll No: 1522-020-004-09100 Dummer Ward             

     Purpose of Application: Minor Variance is to decrease the minimum setback requirement

     Christina Coulter, Planner reviewed the Minor Variance report for the application

    In attendance: None


      Hilker - In Opposition

      ORCA - In Favor

    Resolution Number 05-2023

    Moved By:     Robert Lamarre
    Seconded By: Jim Paterson

    That the Committee review and consider all verbal and written comments received regarding Minor Variance Application File A-01-23;

    That the Committee approve Minor Variance Application A-01-23 as requested, to address a condition of the decision for Peterborough County Land Division File B-23-22 and to bring the proposed lot into compliance with the Zoning By-law. This variance is deemed to be minor in nature and is appropriate for the development of this land. The application maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.  Approval is recommended with no conditions.

  • Resolution Number06-2023
    Moved ByMark Porter
    Seconded ByJim Patterson


    Location - Part Lot 25, Con. 3
    1056 Stony Lake-Dodworth Island
    Part 2, Plan 45R-16247
    Plan 6, Part Lots 17 and 18

    Roll No: 1522-020-005-71601 Dummer Ward

    Purpose of Application: Minor Variance is to increase the maximum lot coverage requirement for the primary structure
    Christina Coulter, Planner reviewed the Minor Variance report for the application.

    In attendance:




    Resolution Number  06-2023

    Moved By      
    Seconded By _________________

    That the Committee review and consider all verbal and written comments received regarding Minor Variance Application File A-02-23;

    That the Committee approve Minor Variance Application A-02-23 as requested, for the life of the structure, to facilitate the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a 14.68 square metre addition (Proposed Addition #1), a 15.62 square metre deck (Proposed Deck) and an 8.73 square metre addition (Proposed Addition #2) as shown on the site plan prepared by Kawartha Lakes Construction dated March 17, 2023 attached to the Decision as Schedule ‘A’ and to bring the proposed lot into compliance with the Zoning By-law.

    This variance is deemed to be minor in nature and is appropriate for the development of this land. The application maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. Approval is conditional on the following:

    1. Obtaining any necessary permits from ORCA, Douro-Dummer Building Department and any other required ministry/agency;
    2. That verification from an Ontario Land Surveyor be provided to the Township’s Chief Building Official after the structures are framed to confirm that all applicable setback requirements have been met and to ensure compliance with any relief granted by this decision of the Committee; and
    3. That if any archaeological artifacts are found during construction, that all development shall be halted immediately and the proper agency be contacted.


  • Resolution Number07-2023
    Moved ByRobert Lamarre
    Seconded ByJim Patterson

    Location - Part Lots 1 & 2, Con. 10
    148 County Road 4
    Part 2, Plan 45R-13600
    Roll No: 1522-010-004-11000 Douro Ward
    Purpose of Application: Minor Variance is to reduce the minimum western interior side yard setback 
    Christina Coulter, Planner reviewed the Minor Variance report for the application.

    In attendance:

    Mark McLean, Agent


    Resolution Number 07-2023
    Moved By      _________________
    Seconded By _________________

    That the Committee review and consider all verbal and written comments received regarding Minor Variance Application File A-03-23;

    That the Committee approve Minor Variance Application A-03-23 as requested, for the life of the structure, to facilitate the construction of the 64.66 square metre addition and 8.73 square metre deck as applied for in Building Permit DD-2022-1211 and shown on the Surveyor’s Real Property Report prepared by Elliott and Parr (Peterborough) Ltd., dated February 28, 2023 attached to the Decision as Schedule ‘A’ and to bring the structure into compliance with the Zoning By-law.

    This variance is deemed to be minor in nature and is appropriate for the development of this land. The application maintains the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law. Approval is recommended with no conditions.


Secretary-Treasure/Acting Cler, Martina Chait-Hartwig, Provided an overview of Committee of Adjustment Training 2023 to Committee Members.

  • Resolution Number08-2023
    Moved ByRobert Lamarre
    Seconded ByMark Porter

    That this meeting adjourn at 9:39 a.m.
