Minutes of the Township of Douro-Dummer Committee of Adjustment Meeting

Douro-Dummer YouTube Channel
  • Chair, Deputy Mayor - Karl Moher
  • Member - Wendy Dunford
  • Member - Ken Jackman
  • Member - Jim Patterson
  • Member - Ed Reid
Staff Present
  • Clerk/Planning Coordinator - Crystal McMillan
  • Vanessa Sweeting - Administrative Assistant

The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. 


The Chair reminded members of their obligation to declare any pecuniary interest they might have. None were declared.

  • Resolution Number09-2020
    Moved ByKen Jackman
    Seconded ByWendy Dunford

    That the Minutes from the Committee of Adjustment Meeting, held on January 24, 2020, be received and approved, as circulated.


In attendance

Jim Bailey, Agent - In support

Jim Bailey, Agent, spoke in support of the application.

  • Resolution Number10-2020
    Moved ByKen Jackman
    Seconded ByJim Patterson

    That Minor Variance A-02-20 for William and Patricia Bailey be approved to reduce the minimum lot frontage for an agricultural use in the Rural (RU) Zone (Section 9.2.1) from 135 m to 60.39 m and to reduce the minimum lot area from 20 hectares to 14 hectares to bring the retained lot from Severance Files B-18-19 and B-19-19 into compliance with the zoning by-law.

    This variance is deemed to be minor in nature and is appropriate for the development of this land.  The application maintains the general intent of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.


    The Committee has not received any written or oral submissions from the public regarding minor variance application File A-02-20 and thus have made its decision on the basis of the application, and/or submissions from the following the Otonabee Region Conservation Authority.


August 7, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.

  • Resolution Number


Minor Variance Applications:

  • Resolution Number11-2020
    Moved ByKen Jackman
    Seconded ByJim Patterson

That the meeting adjourn. (10:13 p.m.)

  • Resolution Number12-2020
    Moved ByWendy Dunford
    Seconded ByJim Patterson

    That this meeting adjourn at 11:00 a.m.
