Township of Douro-DummerAgenda for a Committee of Adjustment MeetingFriday, December 13, 2024 at 9:30 A.m. - 10:30 A.m.Council Chambers in the Municipal BuildingPlease note, that Council may, by general consensus, change the order of the agenda, without prior notification, in order to expedite the efficiency of conducting business. Hybrid MeetingsRegular and Special meetings of Council are being held in person and electronically. Regular Meetings are recorded and live-streamed on the Township YouTube channel. Special Meetings will be recorded and live-streamed where feasible. To watch the meeting live or access a recording please visit the Township's YouTube Channel Please contact the Clerk if you require an alternative method to virtually attend the meeting. or 705-652-8392 x210.1.Call to Order by Chair: 2.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: 3.Approval of Minutes: 3.1Committee of Adjustment Minutes - November 29, 2024 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COA_Nov29_2024 - English.pdf4.Minor Variance Applications: 4.1 A-04-24 (Scott and Shaylene Pind and Gavin and Elise Black), Planning-2024-29 1.A-04-24 (Pind).pdf2.A-04-24 Application (Signed)_Redacted.pdf3.A-04-24 Site Plan.pdf4.A-04-24 - Meeting Notice.pdf5.A-04-24 ORCA Comments PPLD-2338 (November 29, 2024).pdf6.A-04-24 Air Photo.pdf7.A-04-24 Elevations.pdf8.A-04-24 Google Earth Images.pdf9.A-04-24 MDS_Redacted.pdfApplicants: Scott and Shaylene Pind and Gavin and Elise BlackProperty Description: Part Lot 19, Con. 2 (Dummer)1452 Third Line Road-N-DummerRoll No:1522-020-003-309005.Next Meeting Date: To be Announced 6.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.A-04-24 (Pind).pdf2.A-04-24 Application (Signed)_Redacted.pdf3.A-04-24 Site Plan.pdf4.A-04-24 - Meeting Notice.pdf5.A-04-24 ORCA Comments PPLD-2338 (November 29, 2024).pdf6.A-04-24 Air Photo.pdf7.A-04-24 Elevations.pdf8.A-04-24 Google Earth Images.pdf9.A-04-24 MDS_Redacted.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - COA_Nov29_2024 - English.pdf