Minutes of the Township of Douro-Dummer Planning Committee Meeting

Township Douro-Dummer YouTube Channel
  • Chair, Deputy Mayor - Karl Moher
  • Member - Wendy Dunford
  • Member - Jim Patterson
  • Member - Jim Mollohan
Members Absent
  • Member - Rod Manley
Staff Present
  • Acting Clerk - Martina Chait-Hartwig
  • Administration Assistant - Vanessa Sweeting
  • Anu Mundahar

The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 

The Chair reminded members of their obligation to declare any pecuniary interest they might have. None were declared.

  • Moved ByJim Mollohan
    Seconded ByWendy Dunford

    That the Minutes from the Planning Committee Meeting, held on April 29, 2022, be received and approved, as amended.

  • Moved ByJim Patterson
    Seconded ByWendy Dunford

     Lot 14, Concession 3,

    Dummer Ward, Roll No. 1522-020-003-32401

    New Lot will front on Rock Road South of Douglas Road

    Creation of one residential lot

    Martina Chait-Hartwig, Secretary reviewed the planning report for the application.

    In attendance:

    Marnie Saunders, Agent - Present

    Peter and Wendy Smith, Owners - Present

    That it be recommended to Council that Severance Application B-15-22 for Peter and Wendy Smith be approved, and if approved by the Peterborough County Land Division Committee that the following conditions be imposed:

    - $1250.00 cash-in-lieu of parkland be paid to the municipality

    - That a 3-metre strip of frontage from the severed parcel be deeded to the Township for road widening purposes

    - That the farm entrance be upgraded to residential standard with new culvert to the satisfaction of the Manager of Public Works

    - That a test hole for the septic system be inspected, there is a fee to inspect test holes to ensure a septic system would be viable – current fees are $150 per lot severed and applicant is responsible for the digging of the test holes

    - A Mitigation Measures Agreement is to be entered into between the Owner and the Municipality and registered on title at the owner’s expense, which would recognize the recommendations included in Section 5 of the Opinion Letter prepared by D.M. Wills and Associates. dated January 25, 2022

  • Moved ByWendy Dunford
    Seconded ByJim Mollohan

    1797 County Road 6

    Lot 25, Concession 3,

    Dummer Ward, Roll No. 1522-020-004-09100

    Purpose of the application - Creation of one new lot

    Martina Chait-Hartwig, Secretary reviewed the planning report for the application.

    In attendance:

    Sherry Webster, Owner - Present


    That it be recommended to Council that Severance Application B-23-22 for Sherry Webster be approved, and if approved by the Peterborough County Land Division Committee that the following conditions be imposed:

    - $1250.00 cash-in-lieu of parkland be paid to the municipality

    - That a test hole for the septic system be inspected, there is a fee to inspect test holes to ensure a septic system would be viable – current fees are $150 per lot severed and applicant is responsible for the digging of the test holes

    - A Mitigation Measures Agreement is to be entered into between the Owner and the Municipality and registered on title at the owner’s expense, which would recognize the recommendations included in Section 7.0 of the Environmental Impact Study prepared by Cambium Inc. dated January 24, 2022.

    - That the Vegetative Protective Zone identified by Cambium on Figure 4 of the EIS, on the severed lot be zoned Environmental Constraint (EC) in the Township Zoning By-law.

  • Moved ByJim Mollohan
    Seconded ByJim Patterson

    David Minshall and Valerie McGriskin      

    Pt Lot 12, Concession 1      

    Douro Ward, Roll No. 010-002-03001

    921 Douro First Line Road

    Purpose of the application - Creation of one new lot

    Martina Chait-Hartwig, Secretary reviewed the planning report for the application.

    In attendance:

    David Minshall and Valerie McGriskin, Owners - Present

    That it be recommended to Council that Severance Application B-27-22 for David Minshall and Valerie McGriskin be approved, and if approved by the Peterborough County Land Division Committee that the following conditions be imposed:

    - $1250.00 cash-in-lieu of parkland be paid to the municipality

    - That a 3-metre strip of frontage from the severed parcel be deeded to the Township for road widening purposes

    - That a new entrance with new culvert be installed to the satisfaction of the Manager of Public Works

    - That a test hole for the septic system be inspected, there is a fee to inspect test holes to ensure a septic system would be viable – current fees are $150 per lot severed and applicant is responsible for the digging of the test holes

    - A Mitigation Measures Agreement is to be entered into between the Owner and the Municipality and registered on title at the owner’s expense, which would recognize the recommendations included in Section 5 and 7 of Natural Heritage Evaluation, completed by Cambium dated December 20, 2021.

  • Moved ByJim Patterson
    Seconded ByWendy Dunford

    That this meeting adjourn at 9:31 a.m.
